Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?

My experience with the Lyra Delos has been good and to put it the best way too revealing?  So far my original vinyl sounds incredible, especially stuff from the Golden age of stereo.  Amazing to say the least.  However, newly remastered stuff sounds extremely overdone and in some cases unlistenable and I am talking about a lot of Classic reissues.  Is this just the way it will be or will this cartridge still relax a little as I only have roughly 50 hours or so on it?
I'd agree with others that it's slightly tipped at the top end.  I owned a Delos for many years, admittedly loved it during this time but until I compared with other MC's, I had no idea that it was slightly etched.  I listened to Transfiguration and Benz carts that were much more neutral and now own a Transfiguration. Just my opinion and experience. 
The older recordings sound great, better than they ever have.  I have never had a cartridge track like this one.  My old vinyl sounds new.  I am thinking that it is just so revealing that newer recordings are just really overdone somehow.  When I put on an old living stereo, it just sounds so analog, beautiful.  when I listen to a reissue, it sounds very Hi Fi'ish to my ears at least.  Maybe I need a different type of cartridge for these as I do have two Benz the Glider and a Ref wood body but they just do not trck like this one.  Not even close.
My system is as follows

Merlin loudspeakers cardas golden reference speaker cables
Technics 1200G
Pass labs X1 and Xono

I put between 80 and 100 hours on a Delos and then sold it at a huge loss.  It's not for everyone.