scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?

There's one over there  >
Not wishing to appear too pedantic here but technically the whole thing is a lot more like the Hidden Variables theory than the Heisenburg Uncertainty principle, the latter having to do with the inability to measure velocity and location of an atomic particle simultaneously. In other words how do you explain cables that measure the exact same L, R, C sound different all things being equal?
If the goal is to reliably and consistently choose what sounds best, why would you use anything but your ears?

You are right , but where would the fun be in that for all of the cable trolls here on Audiogon?
+1, @mitch2.

That’s exactly my approach been on what stays in my system.
I have to say that it’s been a absolute joy to read the raving rants of cable naysayers 😆