Has anyone ever tried two center channel speakers?

What are the pros and cons of using two center channel speakers?

I am using a full range Infinity Kappa 7 speaker laid on its side as a center channel. The other one is in storage. I have the room to lay the other one next to it and I have an extra amp to power it.
Aren't most center speakers aimed to rediate up towards the listeners, obviating the need for an above screen speaker?
Hi Mitch
Eleven years ago in my clients home theater we used two center channels.
One above and the other below the screen. We used Mc Intosh speakers with great results. The dialogue is more focused than with only center.
To this day it is still very impressive.
Aren't most center speakers aimed to rediate up towards the listeners, obviating the need for an above screen speaker?

It seems to me that most speakers are designed to point straight at the listener which would mean the ideal place would be the center of the screen (like a movie theater), but that's not practical for most systems. That leaves either above, or below as other limitations dictate. However, as you may be implying, just below on a stand pointing slightly up does seem to be the most natural.

Eleven years ago in my clients home theater we used two center channels.
One above and the other below the screen. We used Mc Intosh speakers with great results. The dialogue is more focused than with only center.
To this day it is still very impressive.

That's what I was curious about, I wondered if the two speakers would vertically image or if it might just get too diffuse. It's interesting to hear that it can work, I'd like to try it sometime.
Two vertically-oriented speakers placed above and below the screen will provide a centered phantom image with minimal horizontal interference and lobing. Place them horizontally and/or displaced laterally and real problems arise.

The Mc Intosh center speakers were a meant for horizontal placement.
Sorry but I do not know the model number any more.