Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?

After living with Kharma 3.2 and now 3.2.2 for 5 years with SS amplification, I am looking to try out a tube amp. My current amp is Goldmund Telos 400 (being put on sale on A’gon). My preamp is Vitus SL101. My room is 10’ x 14’. My source is a TW Acustic turntable. Current sound is fast, highly detailed, with great imaging. But on the dry and analytical side. I hope a tube amp can fill in some of the missing midrange harmonics and timbres, add bit more air and bloom. Add bit more flesh on the bones.
I am looking at SET amp and not sure which one will drive my 3.2.2 (90db, 3.5 – 4ohm) without giving me loose bass, and also not too much heat (considering my smallish room). I read Kharma 3.2 was voiced with Lamm (don’t know which model).
Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
You may consider a Vac 30/70, which is essentially two 30/30's
run in mono. Or of course just the more common Ren 70/70. This would be plenty of power, a bit of added warmth, but still very good detail. Not too hard on the eyes IMO either. The Lamm ML-2 is obviously a great amp too, although I have only heard it once in my memory.
My next speakers will likely be Kharma 3.2's. I am presently using an Art Audio Carissa Signature (18wpc, 845 tubes) with Merlin VSM-MM and Superbam. I believe the Kharma and Merlins present a very similar load to the amp (Kharma may have slightly lower impedence across the board), the Carissa Sig. is wonderful with the Merlin, bass is easily controlled with a synergistic setup. I hope to try the two together in the next year or so.
I have a Carissa running into a pair of 89db VS VR4jr and the Carissa does a very nice job. The Carissa would help your dry midrange. However if you would like something even better look into the Art Audio Vivo. The Vivo would have greater dynamics with a very sweet midrange. It's like a Carissa on steroids.

Blessings, Bob
Forgot to mention the Atmosphere line of tube products!

Some superb designs,that are not too pricey,and the best part of it is the mfgr is a "truly" concerned person,that will always be there for you....This is a "BIG" plus,in today's world.