I need help setting up Two Reference power conditioner 20Is on the same circuit

I have TEN Anthem Monoblocks M1s I need protected for my Home theater. I have 20amp GFI Recepticle Circut.

Three Questions:
1. Can those two Furman 20Is be plugged into the same circut two outlet wall 20amp receptacle and work in sync with having my monoblocks split between the two Conditioners?

2. The Furman Reference power 20i only has FOUR “High Current, Ultra Low Impedance, Linearly Filtered AC Power” Outlets. I only have TWO i20s for 10 mono amps. This leaves me with 2 Left. I don’t know what to do. The other eight outlets on the Furman 20I are “Discrete Symmetrically Balanced, Linearly Filtered AC Power” Outlets.
Can the monoblocks work in sync with the high current outlets on the two Furmans PC as long as they are BOTH plugged into the same 20amp wall circuit?

3. Final question, The remainder two monoamps: can I plug three monoblocks into an extension strip to be plugged into the High Current outlet? I was thinking 3 amps powering my side/rear surrounds.

I’d appreciate some input. Thanks! -Eric
Hi Eric,

Since you only have a single 20A outlet, you could use a single Furman 20IS with a power strip.

You are correct in that you only have 4 high current outputs. These use the series mode noise and surge protection, but not the balanced voltage conversion. 

However, your problem is going to be total output power. A single 20A outlet cannot provide more than 2400 Watts of power at any given point in time. Having said this, you may not need more. 2,400 watts is a lot of output. 

Your best option is to get as simple a power strip as you can, without built in surge or noise protection, and use them to increase the available outlets. 

You know what you may like, Parts Connection makes these 6 outlet extension boxes as kits, with built in V meters. This will help because if your HT ever causes your voltage to sag, you'll see it. 


I would also get ferrite beads, they will help reduce any switching noise which leaks from the amps. They are super cheap. Once you have built the strips, you can snap them right on. 


Alternatively, you could use a Furman conditioner with the same filtration, but only the high output sockets:

This has 8 outlets built in, but lacks the power factor correction:


If you absolutely must have the power factor correction: 



Wow! Thanks for the information and links!
The wall outlet does have Two 20amp gfi receptacles. Can I plug both furmans in?Then use that triplex power center as the extension for the remainder 3 amps? Thanks again!
Yes, you can plug both in, but that circuit is still only 20 Amps. You won’t get 40 Amps though.

For that, you’ll need an electrician.


You have a garden hose.
How many garden hoses are you planning to connected to it?