Dynaudio vs. Focal - Bookshelfs - Help me Decide!

Hi - first post here and trying to decide between the twice as expensive Dynaudio Special 40 and the Focal 906 bookshelf speakers. I've heard both (in different systems, different dealers) but since a month went by in between visits, I cannot say for sure that the Dyn S40s sounded twice as good and warrant paying $3,000 vs. $1,500 price tag.  These are my top 2 contenders. 

Anyone else compare these 2?  My room is 12 wide by 20 long, using 250 wpc hafler modded DH500 and Vincent tube preamp. I do have a PSB sub I can use as well. 

If I do spend $3,000 range, then perhaps the choice is between the Floorstander Focal 926 vs. the Dyn S40 bookshelf. I'd appreciate any advice, anyone who has owned these, or compared these at the same dealer side by side. Thanks very much !!
Contuzzi you havent heard the Dynaudio Special Forty, the facts speak for them selves. Focal’s lower end speakers vs Dynaudio Special Forty OK. Not to mention resale value is way higher with the Dyns later if you want to sell them.
Good points made, and just a comment that I tried my PSB towers in this smallish room and the bass tended to overwhelm the room, so the bookshelf idea like the S40s have good bass, but not overwhelming and can be paired with a sub to control bass vs. a floorstander. 

So the decision point could be S40s paired with a good sub vs. floorstander Aria like the 926 or 936. That would be an interesting audition but I don't have dealers around where I could actually pull this off! 
Just a bit more on my setup and I appreciate the advice; it's 100% music 2 channel system, 80% rock/jazz, 20% classical. I don't have enough room to place the speakers on the long wall - it's 12x20 so the speakers will have to go against the shorter 12ft wall. But I can bring them out from the back wall between 2-3 feet. I'm a little concerned that I can only bring them out from the side walls about 2 feet. The room is carpeted. 

I don't want just a 'studio monitor' pair, too analytical, bright, etc. I'd rather have some 'fun' factor in the speakers, very musical, non-fatiguing highs where I can listen for long periods.  Thank you! 

If you're in the $3k range there is a pair of Contour 20 w/stands listed here, not mine. He has them listed else where for $3500. I would get those over the 2 models you listed. 
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