We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 
We do need a separate forum and we need to call it Fight Club. :) On the subject of fuses my response would be maybe sometimes. A fuse made a positive impact on my, now former, DAC, but an upgraded fuse did nothing for my preamp. I would say you just have to suck it and see.
1)  They can be beneficial

2)  Yes (tried HiFi Tuning fuses several years ago and was unimpressed, so returned; tried SR Black last summer, same thing; tried SR Blue 3 months ago and let that check cash - - they were definitely worth it in my system).
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We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

You fusers need a separate site. And here it is.

Cheers George