New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):


Enjoy and report back. Very happy with my Ultra. Several steps above the already impressive Game Changer. Ultra may be the sweet spot of the Teo line. Although feedback already reported here sounds like the Game Changer II is awesome . .es p ecially for the money.
@ in_shore,

That's awesome and enjoy! My Ultra's arrive on Wednesday and will get them burning-in on my CD Player for the next 2 weeks.

My very first thoughts trying Teos GC II was these cables were such a departure from the audio cable industry norm I had to have more .
That short experience immediately led me to purchasing the Kronon ,...Now if someone asked me to describe what I’m hearing I couldn’t do it ,,....However I’ll attempt a few feeble comments

.Like my experience with the GC 2 I immediately noticed how much more natural and realistic really good recordings sounded and above all , if it’s in the the recording, the out standing low level detail , 
 With the Kronon there seems to be , ,...on a whole entire level of distortion cleaned out of the signal path, 
@ in_shore
I wonder why the Teo Audio cable products have different performance attributes. They presumably have the same liquid metal fluid ingredients, unless I am missing something. Maybe they differ in construction materials beyond the liquid metal fluid being used.