New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

@ in_shore,

That's awesome and enjoy! My Ultra's arrive on Wednesday and will get them burning-in on my CD Player for the next 2 weeks.

My very first thoughts trying Teos GC II was these cables were such a departure from the audio cable industry norm I had to have more .
That short experience immediately led me to purchasing the Kronon ,...Now if someone asked me to describe what I’m hearing I couldn’t do it ,,....However I’ll attempt a few feeble comments

.Like my experience with the GC 2 I immediately noticed how much more natural and realistic really good recordings sounded and above all , if it’s in the the recording, the out standing low level detail , 
 With the Kronon there seems to be , ,...on a whole entire level of distortion cleaned out of the signal path, 
@ in_shore
I wonder why the Teo Audio cable products have different performance attributes. They presumably have the same liquid metal fluid ingredients, unless I am missing something. Maybe they differ in construction materials beyond the liquid metal fluid being used.
Celander I couldn’t begin to say however reading member Doug Schroeders reviews mentioned on this thread including comments of Teo Audio on his page Doug covers some of Teos technology and I think coupled with trade secret and some patents I believe there is little through and through information .
All I know right now is that whatever they do it works and works very, very well .