@charles1dad I got the mesh plates today! I've got to just say they may very well end up being my new favorite. I perceive better transparency. Micro dynamics seem to be a little more pronounced, but not artificially so. Ambient information seems to be conveyed just better. What really seems to be noticeable is vocals are both startling explosive with dynamics and still nice and smooth. Effortless comes to mind. I might be trading a tad in overall dynamics, but the nuances of improvement seem to be totally worth it. I'm listening to Allison Krauss and Junior Wells/Buddy Guy and the instrumentals seem slightly better delineated with better tonal texture and colors. I hate to say a veil has been lifted because I hate it when reviewers say it ad nauseum, but it's as if I'm noticing an increase of subtle information that was being shadowed by the xls tubes. So far I'm liking the changes, but regardless of the words I'm using this is still a very incremental change at best. It's very much more similiar to the 300b xls than estranged. Startling dynamic vocals and certain instruments popping with more detail is probably the biggest takeaway with the mesh plate. I'm not really a big believer of power tube break in as much as I'm a believer that I adjust to the tubes sound over time. I'll monitor them and do some comparisons after the honeymoon is over and report back in a couple of weeks.