Thanks for responding.
As someone already mentioned, speakers are 8 ohm, the DI’s, and the amp is Yaquin. Speaker cables are 6’. My room size is on the small side and I don’t particularly like to play music loud.
Roxy , which 300 b do you have?
By bloom do you mean harmonics. Atmosphere, I think I found the corresponding website ;-) how would something would sound with loss of “low-level detail” which is what happens with push pull amps. I’m guessing more “bandwidth” is more frequency response or range?
Do SET,s lose their”bandwidth” or fail only when pushed to hard/loud?
As someone already mentioned, speakers are 8 ohm, the DI’s, and the amp is Yaquin. Speaker cables are 6’. My room size is on the small side and I don’t particularly like to play music loud.
Roxy , which 300 b do you have?
By bloom do you mean harmonics. Atmosphere, I think I found the corresponding website ;-) how would something would sound with loss of “low-level detail” which is what happens with push pull amps. I’m guessing more “bandwidth” is more frequency response or range?
Do SET,s lose their”bandwidth” or fail only when pushed to hard/loud?