At $5,000.....any thoughts?

This system needed to be new components only. Speakers will be located fairly close to the reasons I went with a sealed design. Also, at $5, off here and there, was a factor.

This system is for my wifes Doctor (female), my wife got me in to this little project. It's going in a med sized area....finished basement.

1. Sanyo PLV-Z5 projector

2. Carada 110" screen

3. Onkyo TX-SR805 7.1 receiver

4. OPPO DV-970HD DVD player

5. NHT Classic 3.... front speakers

6. NHT Classic 2....rear speakers

7. SHU Research VTF-2 MK-3 subwoofer

8 Energy 25" stands for front and rears.

Cables are not in budget, but will be budget brands. HD-DVD player will some point?

"The good Doctor: I see no reason to rob her pocket book,"

Lol! "Robing her pocket book?" Well Sogood51, DO NOT go into sales, whatever you do! You'll have to forgive me, as that comment cracks me up! I'm sure there's an "issue" with you in there somewhere. It's all good though...
One of the first rules of sales is "never spend other peoples money for them!!!" But, if you have issue with "the Good Doc" budget ,and feel you're saving her wallet from the audio-burglers, well than that's noble. (Note to self: "all doctors, and other rich people, should be saved from high priced audio/video!!!'m just teasing)

Anywhooz, as for the Onkyo, I must admit I've not heard their highest-end models as of late. Sure hope they sound WAY BETTER than their past models, and entry pieces. Cause EVERYONE I know in the audiobusiness who's sold em over the years, including myself (all discerning audiophiles) EASILY dislike the Onky-donky's! The HK's ALWAYS beat up on em sonically. Infact, I just heard a demo of an older model Onkyo the other day at HSU Research's demo room, AND BELIEVE ME, IT SUCKED SONICALLY! Anyway, I personally reinforced what I've heard from the Onkyo's in the past. So, can't comment on the Flagship pieces. Dunno. Hope it's good.
Anywhooz, you didn't mention the ceiling height? At 17 feet back (that's a long way), with a 9' celing or lower, you'll most definitely have problems acoustically (unless you get acoustic treatments up there, coffering, etc) with the sound with those speakers, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT! I'd go with Dappolito's, Horns, Dipolars or something that will focus the sound more, and limit floor to ceiling reflections!! (Even THX designs). Otherwise, SMEARED SONIC NIGHTMARE!!!!
Good luck

Thats funny!

I was in sales (1971/1972). Made good money...understood it, understand it....hated it!

But then, I hate doing anything thats not fun...turns into work. When I had a chance to retire at age 51, (6 years ago)....I did.

Now...If I could just afford a bigger trailer. I have to move my Apogees every time I drop the Murphy bed.


"I was in sales (1971/1972). Made good money...understood it, understand it....hated it!"

LOL...One whole year in sales, ey?! Yeah that sounds about right. And you say you hated it?!! Ok, so that all equates to "YOUR DEFINITELY NOT A SALES GUY!!!" I totaly understand.
Anyway, hope you find a good balance of stuff for the Good Doc.
Mounted the projector yesterday, did a ruff audio setup (HSU sub, and some of the wires aren't in yet).

Good enough to enjoy a few movies, until the final tweaking... They are "MORE" than happy!
