Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?

Have you ever noticed the same brands of equipment and speaker manufacturers being debated over and over again in most threads ? I am curious what are some of the most little know speakers deserving mention you have heard ? With the lone caveat that they must still be currently in production.

I am curious to hear from some of the more research oriented audiophiles like myself. Those who don't just buy it because someone else liked it but listen for them selves.

Remember this hobbie is allot like choosing a mate there are no wrong choices as long as it works for you and suits your personal taste !
Decware Radial 1.5. There is so much this speaker does right. For the first month or so I thought I had made a mistake in gettting these. They take awhile to loosen up and break in. After going to the VTV show in Arcadia, I was surprised at how all the speakers I listened to sounded like nothing more than sophisticated, elaborate and refined PA systems. They were all simply too 'in your face' in their approach and had small sweet spots and it wasn't a result of the small rooms: I listen in the 'nearfield' in a room not much bigger than what they had and couldn't take it for the long term. I guess I'm spoiled by these Decwares.
Selah Audio, Jim Salk, Epiphany and the new incredible speaker by Bobby Lee of Acoustic!
I have the 1.5 WC and they are great. They are really under priced for their build quality and parts. The sound is fantastic with a smooth, laid back charater. The tweeter L-pad on the back should be standard equipment for all speakers.
Shahinian - Their speakers have been around for over twenty years. Made in the USA but sold more to the European market.