Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?

are there any owners out here. setup tips , wire, amps. thanks Greg
@kansas400 ....I was in your boat not long ago.  I had the Kefs.  Couldn’t resist the temptation to hear what all the buzz was about.  They were ok, but as Johnny R stated, there was that bass bump creeping into the midrange.

I ended up selling them for little loss, thank goodness.  Guess what I ended up buying?  Vandersteen VLR!  Couldn’t be happier.  Even bass bump, very balanced, transparent and good tight bass that doesn’t encroach on the all too important midrange.  If by laid back, you mean musical/unfatiguing, that they are.  They draw you in instead of shouting at you.  Definitely worth a try imo.  MD has a great return policy/audition period.

Listen to Senor Rutan, many times I wish I had.  Now, time for a Belles Aria to mate with them.  Best to you!
all i know is i wished i would have heard these much sooner, they are by far the best small loudspeaker I've ever heard, lots of detail, very dynamic, image like there nobody`s business. Some speakers just speak to the heart with the way they portray music to you. i listen to mostly small jazz groups and powerful fusion groups and i have not been disappointed yet in their performance at all. i would take these over the Magnepan .7 any day of the week,ive owned a few, mmg, 1.6, 1.7i, mini maggies with two dwms..these just work. great speaker!
@drumsgreg ...totally agree with you.  These VLRs are just music.  Best...
Have you guys (drumsgreg and carmenc) used a sub with the VLRs, or just close to the wall and no sub?  I would think the vandy sub would work well but not sure if you need a sub. With the older model VLR, those definitely needed a sub, so just curious about these newer VLR Woods? 
Hi kansas400.  Currently I’m using mine sans sub in a small room.  I have them about six inches from the wall behind them.  I have them on 24” high Skylan two post stands.  I feel like I’m getting plenty of bass this way.  There is plenty “meat on the bones” and a real good solid foundation to the music.  I thought about a sub, but given my size room I’ll refrain from doing so.  If I was in a larger room, I’d consider it.  Yes, I would think the Vandy sub would be the way to go.  A Rel also.

These “Lil Vandys” just continue to put a smile on my face.  I’ve passed on opportunities to get larger Vandersteen.  I’m glad I finally stayed committed to the VLR.  I’ve ordered a Belles Aria integrated amp.  This should make for a very synergistic system from all I’ve read and with the help of John Rutan.

Hope this helps some.  I would just start with the VLR set up similar to mine and go from there after you’ve had a chance to acclimate yourself to them.  Then perhaps consider a sub.  Get yourself some Audioquest cabling eventually as well.  There is a reason why so many Vandy owners use AQ.  Just sounds right together!

Best of luck and keep us posted on your journey.  Let me know if I can help further.  Best.....