Just another note, if anyone knows more about 12au7, 12ax7,5751 tubes, it’s me. I’ve been rolling tubes for years and I have a huge stock of all the top vintage brands. I can’t believe how people comment on subjects they know nothing about. No wonder people get so confused when they need direction. I tried a lot of tubes in the PV-11 line stage and the 7316 will be the tube that will give you most satisfaction. It’s because it is very revealing but smooth and musical too. If you desire a more analytical sound, RCA clear top. Mullard Old Logo 1960’s 12au7’s are my 2nd favorite along with the French made Cifte 12au7’s. I personally felt the phonostage of the PV-11 was way superior to its linestage and I actually found putting in all quality tubes in the phonostage didn’t improve its sound. So for the phonostage, I used a vintage 5751 black plate triple mica (doesn’t matter their all great), basic current production Russian 12AX7’s and a Mullard 12AU7 or 7316 Amperex for the 12AU7. Good luck.