Question for tube aficionados

I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
 I’ve always re-tubed it  with the cheapest tubes from Tube Depot (e.g. Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 and 12AX7, Sovtek 5751 and the like.). I’ve been very happy with the sound.
 My question is:
 Would it be worthwhile to spend more money on more exotic tubes?
  Would there be any appreciable difference in the sound?
 I’m powering the system with NuForce Reference 9 V3 monoblocks.
"The difference NOS tubes will make is like cables - not much."

Interesting analogy except with cables you can show them off, not so much with many tube designs, particularly preamps. Just like anything else in audio, the depth of one's pocket is the only limiting factor.
Hello, I’ve owned the PV-11 for over 20yrs now. It was my main preamp for 10yrs but I have moved onto a AR SP-11 Mk 2. I still have the PV-11 in my collection of preamps. The tubes that sounded the best to me in the PV-11’s linestage is the Amperex 7316. I think other Bugle Boy 12AU7’s may sound good also but the 7316’s were the most musical and revealing tube for me. Keep in mine that the linestage of the PV-11 is fine but it’s phonostage is totally awesome. 
I'd agree that not all NOS tubes are genuinely "new" old stock and a reputable dealer is worth seeking out.  
Not every NOS tube is by default always better than current production,  it depends on numerous variables.  I can vouch for the upper level of the Psvane tubes for example. 

Based on my experience I believe that you can find high quality NOS tubes if using a honest dealer/vender.
Raindance 3-16-2018
They are also prone to oscillation with the wrong tube choices because of CJ's refusal to follow good design practice and use grid stopper resistors.
Interesting point, which I hadn't been aware of.  I couldn't find a schematic for the PV11, but I took a look at schematics for the PV10 and PV12 which are available at  And I can confirm Raindance's assertion for at least most of the tube stages in these designs.  I have no idea why CJ wouldn't have put grid stopper resistors having at least relatively low resistances into these designs, but as Raindance indicated not including them is definitely not good design practice.

The following article provides good background on this subject, even though it is oriented toward guitar amp applications:

-- Al
Just another note, if anyone knows more about 12au7, 12ax7,5751 tubes, it’s me. I’ve been rolling tubes for years and I have a huge stock of all the top vintage brands. I can’t believe how people comment on subjects they know nothing about. No wonder people get so confused when they need direction. I tried a lot of tubes in the PV-11 line stage and the 7316 will be the tube that will give you most satisfaction. It’s because it is very revealing but smooth and musical too. If you desire a more analytical sound, RCA clear top.   Mullard Old Logo 1960’s 12au7’s are my 2nd favorite along with the French made Cifte 12au7’s.  I personally felt the phonostage of the PV-11 was way superior to its linestage and I actually found putting in all quality tubes in the phonostage didn’t improve its sound. So for the  phonostage, I used a vintage 5751 black plate triple mica (doesn’t matter their all great), basic current production Russian 12AX7’s and a Mullard 12AU7 or 7316 Amperex for the 12AU7. Good luck.