Devotion to 2Ch/MC?

Which are you more dedicated to; multichannel/surround or 2CH?

- If 2Ch is the primary focus of your audio-attention (willing to go the xtra mile to get it "perfect"), then why bother with surround?

- If Multichannel is the primary focus of your attention (willing to go the xtra mile to get it "perfect"), but doesn't surpass your 2CH system's performance, when why continue to bother with surround?

- - Do you feel your multichannel system can or has the potential to surpass your 2CH system's performance? IYO, can Multichannel surpass 2CH? If not, then why bother with multichannel?
Talk about a transparently biased question!

Yes, multichannel can and, usually, does, surpass 2CH reproduction. Where it cannot compete is in breadth and depth of repertoire.

I have both! Depends on my mood. Tell you what though, Pink Floyd in multi-channel is nothing like I've ever heard on 2 channel. While James Taylor on multi channel sounds "weird".
Agree with Kal whole-heartedly. Plus, there seems to be an avalanche lately of new multichannel SACDs.
