Totem vs Audio Physic / Schweikert

Anyone compare the Sttaf to the Virgo, or the Arro to the Yara? Any of the aforementioned to the VS VR2?

Have read good things about all the above, but no shops in the area to demo any, so real tough to figure out what to go with.

The room is smallish (about 18x17, with seating at about 10.5' facing the long wall ), and I'll be using these as the fronts in a home theater setup. Stereo, I listen mostly to classic rock, blues, classical, but in general music collection is extraordinarily diverse. Not a particularly high volume listener.

How does resale value compare on these? I'll be feeding them all digital into solid state, no vinyl or tubes here :-).

You resurrected a topic from 7 years back!! I remember those days when I was auditioning loudspeakers like crazy!! With much experience, all I can say is the Totems like real power to show off their best.