Good Used Speakers ($8K-10K) For A Little Listening Room

I know that this is a tough one, because speakers are so subjective.  My dedicated 2 channel listening room is only 10ft x 10ft.  I listen to mostly jazz and rock.  I currently use a Plinius SA100 Mk III (recapped and upgraded) driving Joseph Audio RM25XL's.  I'm thinking of upgrading and was wondering what speakers would be a good upgrade for a small listening room.  I like the Joseph Audio sound, but want more.  I was thinking of Pulsars or maybe Perspectives.  First, is my room too small for floor standing speakers? Second, what other speakers in the $8-10K range used would be a good fit in a small room?

Response not measured. No need so long as my ears are pleased.  Certainly my ears aren't going to be as precise as measurement tools,  but I’m very familiar (like many here) with the sound of poor bass response (boat, room nodes, lack of control, bulges/blurring etc) vs tight, tonal bass response. I’ve had a long list of floor standing speakers, some like the old VR 4 Gen 2 which were rated to 20hz, and they have all worked really well in my room. (I’ve had speaker designers visit and say so).

I’ve also owned many stand mounted speakers. The bigger speakers have always been more satisfying.

If I’d listened to the "big speakers don’t work in small rooms" mantra I’d have deprived myself of a lot of great sound.
No you changed your post to cover that you had misquoted me.

You’re wrong. I only changed my post to reflect your actual statement. It’s because I didn’t want to misquote you. Are you intentionally being obtuse with all this cover up talk? Besides anybody can edit his post for any reason. I certainly don’t have to consult you. Furthermore you’re wrong about small rooms anyway, so who cares?
@audiotroy have you tried the Kii Three? It has some built-in DSP, probably not as good as a separate system but if you like to use/sell that kind of solution it might interest you.

So far we haven't been super impressed by the KII,s they sounded like a good monitor, they didn't sound really big, soundstage was good, but not blown away.

We can easily get them, Sound Org is their distributor, and we get Rega from them.

Unless we hear them sound better so far heard them at two Audio Shows and each time not blown away I doubt we will venture down that path.

I would take an Active set of ACT SCM 40 or the Calibre with the Wavlet.

Actually we were not interested in flooring the Calibres, at $5,500 plus stands you are in spitting territory of the full range Legacy Signture at $7k.

We just heard this combo at the last New York Audio show and the Cailbres were amazing. Perfect high performance monitor. Just add an Amp for the midrange woofer and tweeter and off you go.

Legacy was showing Active Calibres, active was in the bass, the rest of the speaker was passive.  They sounded freaking huge. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would go with a stand mount 2 way if it were me.  I have a big system in a big room and also have had many systems in my smaller bedroom.  I am always amazed at how much bass a small speaker can pump out in the bedroom compared to my giant speakers in a huge room. I've had floor standers in the bedroom and they've always been a little boomy sounding.  With a space that small I wouldn't bother with a bigger speaker they aren't made for that kind of space.  Lots of exciting choices for 10K!