Mogami wire quality?

Say compared to Cardas? 
I used two 20 ft pieces of Mogami Blue Neglex 2477 (coax OFC copper) to my pair of KLH Nines. 1992 - 2015! Sounded excellent and never felt compelled to change! Cost was $1 a ft (1980)! 
Mogami is a very sound choice for premium wires. Very high quality products that work and sound great. Only an audiophile could find fault. Not that all wires necessarily sound the same by any stretch.
Wish I had tried Mogami ICs sooner. Mighta saved a bit of money. A pair of XLRs are sounding very good with less than 15 hrs on them running between DAC & pre-amp. Excellent extension of highs and lows. Very transparent sound with impressive detail & imaging that support a big sound stage. Not harsh, not grating (not so far, anyway). Decent amount of mid range warmth. Great value. Better to my ear than the BJC Belden 1800F balanced ICs I got in around the same time (~40 hours on those). The Beldens don’t have the same clarity or tonal neutrality. They seem to have a bit of a bump in the lower midrange/upper bass. Bass is fatter. Treble a little rolled off. Warmer than the Mogamis but at the expense of clarity.

I use a Mogami gold stereo mini to dual male rca wire (~$90) to run my Chord Mojo DAC into my Audio Research preamp.  The sound is exactly as ghosthouse described.  Absolute top notch in every way, both inform and function. I love the fact that the wire is so very pliable and easy to route as needed. Couldn't be happier!   I'm a Mogami fan boy now for sure.