new DVD player priorities

Would like to ask the "gon" if you were purchasing a new DVD player upgrading from a conventional model (Panasonic), would you go with an HD DVD with recording capability? In other words, is it best to get one with all of the current and perhaps near future technologies and features all in one? Are these features available all in one unit? What would you do? Thanks much.
"So if you own a Blu-ray player and rent an HD DVD, will it not be compatible and not work or vice-versa?"

Correct the two formats are not compatible.
My Responses --


With the state that HD-DVD and Blue-Ray DVD are in, I'll be pretty reluctant to make a commitment to either camp at this time, meaning I'll be sticking to Regular DVD for the time being (sticking with my Denon DVD-2910 until a winner between HD-DVD and Blue-Ray DVD emerges).

About the only way I'll upgrade from a conventional DVD Player is that a good hybrid player hits the market (and right now, the LG BH100 does not do it for me because it plays some formats of digital media, but not others).

And as for a High Definition DVD Player with recording capability?? From my experience with my Toshiba RD-SX34, I would say that I would buy such a machine for its timeshifting capabilities only (whatever they may be by that time),and that it would not be my main movie playback machine. I would have a separate player in place just for that. So then, my answer to that question is "no".

Hope I made some sense here.

Thanks everyone. I'll stick with my conventional unit for now but you cleared it all up for me. Appreciate your time and knowledge. Video is just not my strength vs audio.