Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars

WHOOPEE!!!!! Today, I parted finally with my beloved B&W N804s in favor of a pair of JA Pulsars in the Sapele Finish. Using temporarily a pair of Target stands until the Sound Anchors come in. I only have a couple of hours on these speakers, but they image like crazy and the sound is exquisite and non-fatiguing. They are much better suited to my 10x10x8 room than the B&Ws. Will post a more in-depth review after they’re broken in a bit more. This has been SOME St. Patty’s Day!
I extensively auditioned the Pulsars and the Perspectives.  The Pulsars were fabulous but once I heard the Perspectives they blew me away even more.  I still hope to own a pair in the (not too distant) future. I also find them to be among the most elegant looking speakers I've ever seen.

BTW, Jeff Joseph will be demoing the Perspectives in the upcoming Montreal Audio Show if anyone here is going.
Congratulations on your purchase - as a Pulsar owner I am quite confident you will be happy with your decision. 

With respect to avanti1960’s post I am surprised by your opinion of the Prisms.  Having owned the Prisms prior to upgrading to the Pulsars, I thought they had a remarkable family resemblance and although a little more difficult to dial-in than the Pulsars in my medium sized listening room they always sounded great. I used them with a REL subwoofer and they were only moderately less impressive than the Pulsars once the set up was optimized.   That’s the tricky thing about listening at dealers - it’s still hard to replicate how much better a speaker can sound when completely dialed into a room and the room optimized to the system.

With the Pulsars however no need for the sub in my room so I sold it and someday maybe will add back in a pair of JL Audio Fathoms or similar sub that offers DSP giving me a homegrown version of the Pearl 3’s.  :-)
I had the pleasure of hearing the pulsars with some Solutions amplification.  It was remarkable.  Clean and clear as day.  Have never stopped looking for a pair of used pulsars but they never seem to be on sale here in Agon...for good reason.  
@mlschneid ... I find it interesting that you use the Pulsars without a sub. I've tried it both ways in my small room, and have found that the sub really adds a lot to the sound of the Pulsars in terms of depth and dimension of instruments. There's just so much a 5.5" midrange/bass driver can do. Since you have a medium sized room, what was it about the sub that you didn't like in that environment?
Welcome to the JA family. 
I have the Pulsars in Sapele finish as well for less than a year and enjoy every minute I listen to them. I owned Merlin TSM and Audio Physics Sitara right before the Pulsars and the Pulsars bested them all in every respect except for the imaging recreate on the Audio Physics (these things image like ghost) but the Pulsar high is so extend and airy w/ no fatigue, mid range is spot on.
I drive the Pulsars w/ PL DiaLogue Premium HP integrated KT150's mostly in triode mode and complement the low w/ a REL R528SE where crossover is set at 60Hz To my ears they are very well matched. The Pulsars by themselves don't need sub on most music passage, they sound bigger than their sizes indicated.