New to Digital

I am a novice with digital music, and would like some advice on some digital options that are not cost prohibitive.

I have a Yamaha A-S701 amp, a Yamaha 
YBA-11 Bluetooth Wireless Audio Receiver, and ADS L9e monitor speakers.

I currently just use Amazon Music from my iPhone Bluetooth. I believe that I can do better with sound quality, and am interested in your  thoughts.

the first thing i'd do is upgrade to spotify premium ($10/mo.) or tidal ($20/mo.), which have much better libraries and sq than amazon music. next, instead of your bluetooth receiver  i would get a google chromecast ($35), which uses wifi, and connect it to the optical input on your amp (an optical to mini-optical cable cost around $7 or so)--the foregoing will be a cheap, substantial upgrade

Actually Amazon Prime and Spotify Premium has the same streaming resolution at 320kbps.  

Tidal will give you the best available streaming quality at 16bit/44.1khz. And MQA resolution upto 32bit/192khz but you need MQA compatible DAC to hear the full resolution.