It Looks Like Streaming May Be The Future

According to the RIAA streaming revenues were almost 4X the dollar value of all physical product (cd, vinyl and dvd) shipped in 2017. $5.7 billion vs $1.5 billion.

Digital Download revenues and CD units shipped declined while Vinyl squeaked out a 5% increase in units shipped. Here’s a link:
Streaming not only sound better than CD’s but it’s the way of the future and not to mention you can own your streams. Nothing cd quality will ever come close to Hi Rez, DSD or MQA IMHO. No jitter just absolutely crystal clear detailed music.

“Physical media (tape, LP, CD) has monetary value”

LOL.... trying selling that physical media, pennies on the dollar. 
I’m not in this for monetary value, I’m in because I love music and have a kickass system that provides me with hours of listening enjoyment.



I can agree w/ your logic about sampling prior to buying. No harm there.

Happy Listening!

I think it is important to distinguish between downloading files like HiRez to your hard drive, and proper realtime streaming from the internet as with Spotify, Tidal or Qobuz.
I love streaming. For me it represents the difference between having your own small library of books and access to a large university library that has (almost) all that was ever published. One evening I may sit down for an evening of Bach cantatas, the next day for an evening of Chicago blues or 1960's British pop, or a playlist of music selected by my 19 year old son. It has seriously enriched my cultural experience.
Similarly, do not forget the benefits of internet radio. By now the sound quality of many stations is roughly equivalent to FM (or sometimes even rather better), but you can bring the world into your home. It allows me to listen to almost all Dutch stations, but also to BBC Radio 3, French radio, German radio, NPR from the US, jazz stations form New York, or what have you.