Mid compliance cartridges are great on Technics tonearm, Audio-Technics AT-ML180 OCC and Audio-Technica AT-ML170 are clearly the best MM design made by this respected company, but they are from the 80s (from the golden era). Hollow pipe (Gold-Plated) Boron cantilever and MicroLine stylus tip - the best combination anyone can imagine. This type of stylus is state of the art (similar to Fritz Gyger or MicroRidge), can be used for up to 2000hrs. This is neutrial cartridge! I owned multiply samples, i decided to keep my AT-ML180 OCC (it’s one of my favorite cartridges) and sell my AT-ML170 OFC which is very close. If you looking for the Audio-Technica best MM ever, then you should find more information about these two top models before you will look for anytning else on MM territory at any price.
Neutrial cartridge is what we must have as a reference, especially MM (not MC) then you can compare it to your Denon 103r with conical tip. I know it’s always important to expand the standards, i’m pretty sure with this cartridge on your Technics you will be blown away. I’ve tried it on various Technics tonearms, my favorite is EPA-100mkII.
Specs for AT-ML170 MM:
Frequency Response (Hz): 5 - 40,000
Vertical Tracking Force: 1.25 +/- 0.3
Tracking Ability (microns) at center value VTF: 90
Tracking Ability (microns) at upper value VTF: 100
Channel Separation (dB at 1kHz/10kHz): 31/21
Channel Balance (dB): 0.5
Output (mV at 1kHz), 5 cm/sec): 4
Vertical Tracking Angle: 20 degree
Stylus Shape: 0.1mm MicroLine
Stylus Construction: Nude Square Shank
Cantilever: Gold-plated BORON
Wire Uses For Coil: PCOFC
Recommended Load Impedance (ohms): 47,000
Recommended Load Capacitance (pF): 100 - 200
Dynamic Compliance @ 100Hz: 10.0
(* please note that Dynamic Compliance @10Hz will be around 18-20cu)
Static Compliance: 40.0
Cartridge Weight (grams) 7.0
Replacement Stylus: ATN170ML
I was thinking of trying and Audio Technica MM cart but I’m not sure which one would be the best fit because I’m not that familiar with that line.
Mid compliance cartridges are great on Technics tonearm, Audio-Technics AT-ML180 OCC and Audio-Technica AT-ML170 are clearly the best MM design made by this respected company, but they are from the 80s (from the golden era). Hollow pipe (Gold-Plated) Boron cantilever and MicroLine stylus tip - the best combination anyone can imagine. This type of stylus is state of the art (similar to Fritz Gyger or MicroRidge), can be used for up to 2000hrs. This is neutrial cartridge! I owned multiply samples, i decided to keep my AT-ML180 OCC (it’s one of my favorite cartridges) and sell my AT-ML170 OFC which is very close. If you looking for the Audio-Technica best MM ever, then you should find more information about these two top models before you will look for anytning else on MM territory at any price.
Neutrial cartridge is what we must have as a reference, especially MM (not MC) then you can compare it to your Denon 103r with conical tip. I know it’s always important to expand the standards, i’m pretty sure with this cartridge on your Technics you will be blown away. I’ve tried it on various Technics tonearms, my favorite is EPA-100mkII.
Specs for AT-ML170 MM:
Frequency Response (Hz): 5 - 40,000
Vertical Tracking Force: 1.25 +/- 0.3
Tracking Ability (microns) at center value VTF: 90
Tracking Ability (microns) at upper value VTF: 100
Channel Separation (dB at 1kHz/10kHz): 31/21
Channel Balance (dB): 0.5
Output (mV at 1kHz), 5 cm/sec): 4
Vertical Tracking Angle: 20 degree
Stylus Shape: 0.1mm MicroLine
Stylus Construction: Nude Square Shank
Cantilever: Gold-plated BORON
Wire Uses For Coil: PCOFC
Recommended Load Impedance (ohms): 47,000
Recommended Load Capacitance (pF): 100 - 200
Dynamic Compliance @ 100Hz: 10.0
(* please note that Dynamic Compliance @10Hz will be around 18-20cu)
Static Compliance: 40.0
Cartridge Weight (grams) 7.0
Replacement Stylus: ATN170ML