PC or Line Conditioner

Quite a few years ago I had a post asking people to chime in on what they would recommend for a good Power Cable. I find it funny because at the time I had the Ayre CX-7xe CD player, V-5xe Amp, and the K-5xe pre-amp. Now I have the V-5xe (in Black), K-5xeMP, and the Oppo UDP-205, using AQ Wind XLR IC's. I still have (2) Richard Gray's Power Company PC's and the RGPC-400 Pro. I find myself in need of more outlets and was looking at a used RGPC off of Ebay, but after talking with Gary, the tech guy, at Ayre he really believes that I should spend the money for the Ayre L-5xe that has (4) outlets. There is one right now on Agon for $1,400 OBO. It is not a conditioner in the normal sense, it is completely passive and there is no voltage regeneration or current limitation.
But I still am a fan of running a better PC than what comes with the component. Like I said I have the (2) RGPC cables and I just bought a Kimber Kable PK-14 Ascent. I would really like to keep the price for the cable under $500 but I also am giving more thought to putting that $500 to the Ayre L-5xe instead. All though I would be looking at more than twice what I would be spending on a Power Cable.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
IMO, the first step would be to install dedicated AC lines from your circuit panel, if possible. This would isolate your audio from other circuits and appliances that add noise throughout your AC mains.

Regarding power conditioning, if you have stable voltage coming into your house, you probably don’t need a regenerator. If you have had good results with the Richard Gray 400, then stay with a passive PC.
I’m not familiar with the Ayre PC, but it claims to be non-current limiting which would be a benefit to your amp’s performance. I believe the Gray passive PC’s do limit current, as many passives do, and your amp would be better served by going directly into the wall.

Sorry I can’t be more help, I just tried to point out the pros and cons of reducing the noise floor in your situation.

You’re already using aftermarket PCs, are you asking if you should upgrade? Changing one cable is not going to be all that noticable except for maybe a slightly different sonic signature. It seems like the priority is to add more receptacles while lowering the noise floor.


Much will depend on your locale. Are you living in a major U.S. city? If so, you might consider a dedicated line. Otherwise, keep the 400-Pro and plug the power amp into the wall. I own and use the 400-Pro for over 10 years now. A RGPC 600 will give you more outlets.

Happy Listening!
@f1wheels, First off as others have insinuated, I'd like to know if you have any dedicated AC lines from your electric panel, (and do you use any higher end AC outlets) to your system and if so how many?
Also what size wire and breaker feeds your system?
I realize this does not answer your question but it's important to know first.
Hi David,Have you ever thought of making your own power cord. I have and it saved me a fortune. As I live in the UK model no's and prices will obviously be different but to give you a ball park figure I recon I spent about
£540.00 on the supplies so what I have for that is ,
Neotech NEP-3001 III Mains Power Cable
Furutech FI-32M Rhodium Power Plug
IeGO Gold-Plated IEC Connector
SR Blue Fuse.
I have tried the cable in a comparison with a JPS Kaptovator at three times the price of the lead I made up and to also let you know I also put it through the  Ayre L-5xe  and I swapped between both cables. Now I do have to say that I waited a couple of weeks before I did the comparoson so the new cable would be burnt in . I put a Dab signal through a spare system I have in a work shed 24/7 for the fortnight before i was ready to compare. The difference I found between the two cables was so minimal that I certainly will not be buying mains cables at The JPS prices again. The only thing I did have an issue with was that the cable is very thick and stiff so it is sore on the fingers and you need to get plugs that can accept that thicknes of cable. If you are fortunate like I was you'll get a supplier who'll look into these issues and keep you right. If you try it and like it The  Neotech NEP-3001 III Mains Power Cable is super for making a dedicated spur just for your Hi Fi .
Whatever you decide to do good luck.
Regards Jim.
First off Thanks for all of your replies! As for my house it was built in 2001 and I am located fairly close to Seattle (about 30 miles South). From what I can tell by looking at the breaker box I have the standard 15 Amp breakers in my front room. I did however installed two silver plated, cryogenic treated hospital grade outlets on each side of where all my equipment is. There is no way for me to run a dedicated line as I would be looking at tearing down a bunch of sheet rock.
Once I do my cap upgrade on my Thiel 2.4's I will try the main amp plugged into the Richard Gray's 400 Pro and then I will try it straight out of the wall. To my knowledge I believe he went out of business, all though you can still get his PC's on Amazon. But I only see his AC Conditioners, used on Ebay or here on Agon. I can also try switching between the Kimber and RGPC cables to see if I can hear any different. At the time I purchased the RGPC cables they were running right around $450 a Meter if my memory serves me correctly.
Thanks Again for your input,