Transport for Exogal Comet Plus DAC

Transport for Redbook CD only.  Currently using an Oppo 103, but that will be leaving soon.  Curious if this is a DAC that would benefit from re-clocker...Thanks
Agreed that Woo Audio is badass looking and well built. Agreed with @lowrider57 top-loaders are less prone to problems than sliding drawers. Just don't lose the stabilizing puck!
while still figuring out system, I put my Teac PD-H600 CD Player in as a transport, and initial response is quite good...
also wondering what all in one CD Player, with a diigital input, may be competitive with the Exogal.  Thanks 
Twoleftears which schiit Dac you own? I have CXC and the Gumby, I have not connect them yet. Iam planning too....