Is KEF no longer relevant?

It seems to me that 20 years ago Kef was quite a respected speaker manufacturer. Granted I knew far less back then about audiophilia, but for someone just starting out, that was my impression at the time.

Although Kef still makes speakers in the $5,000 - $15,000 range, they never seem to be the subject of serious discussion here on the 'Gon. These discussions are dominated by a group of the usual 20 or so suspects that we hear about over and over again. And no disrespect meant against that group - they are mostly, if not all, great speakers to be sure. But Kef certainly at one time was a pioneering and extrememly respected brand. What happened? Is this because they lost their "sound" after Raymond Cooke died? (an accusation I remember reading somewhere) Or are they just perceived as a "yesterday's news" brand?

No doubt there are many happy Kef owners out there who may answer this thread telling me how great their speakers are, even by today's standards, and I have no argument with them - I am a former Kef owner and very fond of the brand - but they clearly are not "darlings" of this forum. What happened?
I have a pair of bi-wired KEF Reference 104/2s that I am very please with. I listened to the "Three Blind Mice" XRCD24 disc on my KEFs, then 10 minutes later to the disc on a pair of Wilson Sophias, then 15 minutes later again on my KEFs. I like the Sophias a lot, but the 104/2s stood up well in the comparison. In my audio system, frequencies below 80 Hz are shunted to a Velodyne HGS-15.

I also have four bi-wired Reference 102.2s that I think are excellent monitors.

The new ones are so ugly what with the top assembley that looks like the headlight pods from a White Mustang circa 1949!
Donbellphd, the fact that you are referring your 104/2's which were introduced in 1984 underscores my point exactly. And the 102/2's are 1990.

It seems that KEF is no longer a leader. And even if it's true that they are focusing their attention mostly on the European market, that fact alone wouldn't make them any less sought after by the rabid speakerholics here on the A'gon. Kefs are available here and the fact that they don't market aggressively would not keep anyone here away if they sounded as good or better than Wilson Sophias, Watt Puppies, Audio Physic, Magnepan, B&W, Von Schweikert, etc., etc..
I almost bought a demo pair of 104/2's in '92. I took em home for the weekend. Simply beautiful sounding speakers. I should have bought them, I would probably still have them now.
In an effort to save some cash, I bought a new pair of Q50's instead. Uggghhhh. They lasted about a week before I returned them. The original Uni-Q design was certainly not ready for prime time!
Of course by that time the 104/2's were gone.