Question for tube aficionados

I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
 I’ve always re-tubed it  with the cheapest tubes from Tube Depot (e.g. Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 and 12AX7, Sovtek 5751 and the like.). I’ve been very happy with the sound.
 My question is:
 Would it be worthwhile to spend more money on more exotic tubes?
  Would there be any appreciable difference in the sound?
 I’m powering the system with NuForce Reference 9 V3 monoblocks.
CJ’s answer to the question of the effect of the line stage tubes on the phono section of the PV11:

“If you are connecting the PV-11 MAIN OUTPUT to your power amp, then the
12AU7 in the line stage would affect the sound quality. If you are only
using the record output then the 12AU7 are not in the audio circuit.”

Well, I got the Amperex 7316 tubes today.  Excellent tubes.
In preliminary testing, comparing them to the Telefunken 12AU7’s, I found the Amperex to have stronger bass and a bigger and more forward presentation than the Telefunken, but the Telefunken has a more refined and perhaps, clearer sonic picture.
Both are excellent tubes at almost the same exact price. My dilemma is, I can return the Telefunken, the Amperex, I cannot.
I don’t know if it’s practical to keep both.
If you plan to live over a year or two, wise to keep both .
Their value will not decrease .
I’ve owned the PV-11 for over 20yrs now. It was my main preamp for 10yrs but I have moved onto a AR SP-11 Mk 2. I still have the PV-11 in my collection of preamps. The tubes that sounded the best to me in the PV-11’s linestage is the Amperex 7316. I think other Bugle Boy 12AU7’s may sound good also but the 7316’s were the most musical and revealing tube for me.
I tried a lot of tubes in the PV-11 line stage and the 7316 will be the tube that will give you most satisfaction. It’s because it is very revealing but smooth and musical too. If you desire a more analytical sound, RCA clear top.   Mullard Old Logo 1960’s 12au7’s are my 2nd favorite along with the French made Cifte 12au7’s.

@rvpiano, a couple of questions;
Have you given the Amperex enough time to burn-in? Run them for 40 or 50 hours and then evaluate them.
Do you know if these are 1950s issue and what is branded on the label?
   The 7316's should present a 3D image with a sweet midrange. I agree with you that "Telefunken has a more refined and perhaps, clearer sonic picture."
But, as others have stated above, I find the premium, low-noise Amperex more musical. I'm not discounting your findings in any way, but I wonder if they need more run-in time.