How much is MQA conversion?

I’m just listening to the Styx Mission album that was produced in all analog....... 
Great recording, btw

i’ve noticed Tidal has the MQA version , also 
great sound, too

It got me wondering 

How much is a MQA conversion for an album ?
&/or How much does MQA get each time an album/song is played?

i hope someone knows

The use of technology to completely control the channels of creative content distribution - superimposed on the traditional music industry model, is a recipe for disaster.
You sound like Chicken Little. There may have been a time when the music industry had that kind of power, but those days are l-o-n-g gone. Technology has democratized all media. The real power today is in the hands of content creators. The decline of the music industry, newspapers and magazines, radio and broadcast television are all reflections of that simple truth.

I encourage you to be critical of MQA, which looks to me like a cure in search of a disease. But I don't think it represents any kind of potential disaster.
@cleeds "The real power today is in the hands of content creators."
Not exactly. Alas, the real power today resides in the internet digital distribution providers--no search engine, no recorded music. Technology distribution is not democratized--see Google and Facebook. I second the statement about MQA appearing to be a cure in search of a disease. 
Guys, Guys;

I never expected such a vitriolic response........
All I asked is “ how much”

No body is forcing us to listen to MQA

Money will vote 🗳 and decide
You sound like a bunch of Grumpy Old Men....

Go back to Spotify if you feel like this..

my opinion:

MQA sounds great
Bands Tour to make money, & that is why they cost big $$ for each gig

Live music is good for the soul



"Live music is good for the soul"
 I could not agree more.....
