How much is MQA conversion?

I’m just listening to the Styx Mission album that was produced in all analog....... 
Great recording, btw

i’ve noticed Tidal has the MQA version , also 
great sound, too

It got me wondering 

How much is a MQA conversion for an album ?
&/or How much does MQA get each time an album/song is played?

i hope someone knows

Guys, Guys;

I never expected such a vitriolic response........
All I asked is “ how much”

No body is forcing us to listen to MQA

Money will vote 🗳 and decide
You sound like a bunch of Grumpy Old Men....

Go back to Spotify if you feel like this..

my opinion:

MQA sounds great
Bands Tour to make money, & that is why they cost big $$ for each gig

Live music is good for the soul



"Live music is good for the soul"
 I could not agree more.....
