Acapellla Sapoahrons (on sale used for $77,000) look like the may have all, the Advantegardes have plus a super sophisitcated ion plama tweeter (that won't make you sick like old Heilco( frp,m 70's was that the name?).But there is one guy who has the smaller version in the "systems" and just from look,teck dscription etc they would be ebeyr interesting to listen to.Other chjoice would Rockport Antares with the insanely priced turnatable they m,ake to go with it that Stereophile made a new "A+" designatopn for.But as I was reading in Streophile there is a point of diminishing returns andthe majic dollar number seems to be about $20K.Abvantegardes,Avalon Eidons and the new top of the line Joseph ands Arriel seem to all the speaker andbody would need or could use.Unfortunately my budget seesm to be between 1/10 to maybe 4 times that.Beyond that I'd put dought into other parts of system and then other things novel liike savings for when sociual security runs out and elderly medical care.Trivial things like that.And I'm a wee 41 so one hopes that end of life care isn't around the corner.$20K should be enough to puit together an ENTIRE system that totally rocks especially if one usees A'gon and buys the right parts of it used (maybe not a cartridge which I never would trust or digital whjere you'd like some warranty.