Have you moved from tubed amplification to solid state amplification... Why?

I'd like feedback from those who have moved from primarily using Tubed pre and power amplification to Solid State pre and power amplification in their systems. 

Feel free to share what you found relevant to your experience. The questions below are only meant as a starting point, and reflect what I'm curious about.

- What was the initial motivation or driver that made you consider the move?

- Once you made your choice, what were your specific reasons for doing so?

- How happy and satisfied have you been with this move? Any regrets? 

- Lessons learned? Advice to share?

Thank you.

NOTE: Please, this is not about which is Better. Let's not make it about that. I like both solutions and the varied options for each. Thanks!!!

NOTE: I searched the Forums through 2013 for relevant threads...If you know of one or more that relates to my questions, please add the link. Thank you.
Skip, yes it is the T+A. The week long audition of the Ypsilon was extremely helpful. It wasn’t an easy decision. I just put the order in.

As to your question: "what was the deciding factor" ...there wasn’t one.

It came down to a number of things as the differences between all of the superb gear including your Mastersound components, wasn’t so clear cut, nor night & day. In addition to making a choice based on preferences, system synergy and what I liked most, the following factors also played a role: overall utility, functionality, future ’same-line’ components, flexibility with driving a wide range of speakers, dealer/company support, etc. etc. were all important.

I may write-up the general findings in my blog over the next couple of weeks. If I do, I will email you the link once it’s done.
I moved from tubed amps several years ago. I got sick and tired from heat generation, biasing, wearing white gloves, tube dampeners, cleaning pins and sockets, tube rolling, obsessing over tube selection, etc. I do have one integrated: Carey SLI-80 dedicated to my Large Harbeth Anniversery Editions (with stock room heaters/glow worms)
I didn't move from Tubed but I did settle, as others, on a hybrid.  Tubed pre and class D amp.  Happy for now