Recent retip(canti also) Dude where did my soundstage width go

I'm trying to not get worked up because it's a huge trade off. I've put 10hours on it so far. Crisper and more detailed. There's some bass on a couple jazz records that I know and that I very thrilled about. But, everything is bunched up between speakers comparably. In anybody's experience will my Grado Reference1 open back up.  I've not done this before and I'm kinda thinking this is the side of my "new" cart that I'm gonna have to learn to live with. I was warned by plenty of researching that it would change and be a different cart but in my optimism I didn't realize a better (boron cantilever/micro ridge stylus) replacing a previously considered lower quality cantilever/stylus would turn out to be disappointing. Thanks

Let it run to at least 30 hours and a micro ridge tip requires more attention to setup.
I believe that stylus type  reqires extremely precise setup.

What protractor did you use?

I used a Mint Best protractor - very spacious image 

There are several other "mirror-type" protractors out there that will do the job just as well.

Hope that helps  
If your setup is right, and that will change as the cart breaks in, you might want to get the Cardas album with the burn in groove and let the cart break in without having to endure the pain of listening to it, nothing is more painful as breaking in a cart, tube amps or dacs, I would rather take a beating. Yes the Soundsmith rebuilds do require a breakin. Plus the Cardas album also has  several tracks that degauss your complete system.