Best Shunyata Power Cord for.,,

not that familiar with current or past product lines. looking for opinions as to their best HC cords that are pure and not for softening. To be used on an AQ Niagara 7000 and Agostino amp. The latest AQ cords way to stiff. I don’t want the crazy priced cords like Sigma etc. The new Alpha NR( list $1500) a good candidate or would an older model be better? Really would appreciate hearing from long term Shunyata guys.
4425, I will say it again, please try to find at least sigma HC or NR or you will  not hear what your $8000  Niagra 7000 can do.  Yes it will sound great with Alpha HC, but with Sigma it should be a different level. You can find Sigma HC within $2k range demo or used slightly.
Thanks Denon. Working on it. What’s sound difference between Sigma HC  or Sigma NR version. I want zero tonal change( bright/dark). Is your dealer from Fla?
Both sigma HC and NR are balanced with great bass. The NR s a little more refined with the same tonality as HC. Yes the dealer is from Florida.
This thread is costing me serious money. Got a taste of what the Alpha Ztron digital sounds like on my system.

I should’ve jumped on those Alpha HCs for sale last week but I snoozed :(. Now I’m thinking about Alpha NRs since the HCs are gonna be hard to find. Ughh...

Anyone with any opinions on the Deltas compared to the previous line?
btw22.  this is really funny. i’ll sell you a 15 amp HC for what i bought it for off of agon early this week. if interested let me know. stupid me. decided to buy a couple of the Alpha NR’s spending way more $$