best speakers for vocals?

Hi, I was wondering what people's thoughts are on speakers that are best for vocal centric music? I am looking for speakers that are best at reproducing vocals, especially female in the most lifelike, 3-dimensional, airy, emotional manner. I am trying to recreate a lifelike, live show, front row sound. To this end, I prefer a speaker that can create a holographic soundstage with a palpable vocal sound with some weight.

I listen mainly to jazz, pop, adult contemporary, down tempo.

My budget is < $15,000.
Green Mountain Audio speakers do voice scary well! In fact, they do everything scary well. Many times I have thought that sounds I was hearing in cd's or movie sountracks were outside because speakers cannot sound that real, right? Wrong. I recently ordered the first pair of the new Calypso's and am eagerly awaiting their delivery.
I would have three personal favorites within your budget/listening preference parameters. One's just out, one is tried and true, and one is venerated vintage. Each different from the others in physical size and system requirements, but all with one thing in common: they're electrostats.
Nothing comes close to electrostats in these areas.Once you live with them for a while you come to realise how tonally wrong and box bound dynamic speakers sound.
Other than that the Edgar midrange horns are pretty good and if you really want box speakers the modern day derivatives of the BBC designed monitors [like Harbeth and Spendor] come closest.Also adding ribbon super tweeters to pretty much anything adds "air".
Artists such as Alison Kraus,Eva Cassidy,Mary Black,Frances Black,Mindy Smith,Casey Chambers are good tests for this.Many speakers kill the vibrato in their voices.