Thinking of Kef Blade 2 to replace Revel Salon 2

Is this just a sideways move or an upgrade?  I am leaning partly just for looks.  The Salon 2 is nice and pretty unflappable maybe a little on the ruthless revealing side.  I don't really have the ability to go hear these before I buy and really every dealer audition Ive had has left a very bad taste in my mouth for it.  I like the idea of a speaker that sounds good all around the room not just in the sweet spot as I tend to not listen as much that way. I would hope to not give up to much bass to the Salon 2 with the Blade 2.  
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Dipole planar speakers generally sound more alike throughout a room than do point source speakers. A few weeks ago I attended the premiere demo of the new Magneplanar 30.7, and Wendell Diller deliberately did not provide seating, instead encouraging all attendants to move about the room. The room was on the large size (maybe 15' x 25' with a 12' ceiling), and the sound the 30.7 created was very uniform throughout the room. Some people don't have the 5' behind the speaker that planars really require for best sound, however.
If you’re at all open to other options, a nice pair of Joseph Audio Pearl 2s just came available here. One of the best I’ve ever heard at a show and winner of more than one best of show awards. The fact that they very rarely show up here seems to indicate they sound good at home too. They don’t give up anything to the Salons on the bass side, and although I wouldn’t call them ruthlessly revealing they certainly do not mask detail. Imaging and soundstage were among the best I’ve ever heard along with pulling a superior disappearing act, and as they have good dispersion characteristics they also image well off axis. Anyway, given your stated goals and that the Pearls just popped up I thought I’d give them a mention.  They likely won't last long here so if interested I'd act sooner rather than later.  Sure wish I could afford'em.  Best of luck.

At this level, be careful when the seller of a product offers a single fact and says, "of course mine are better". I heard many expensive speakers (for me anyway) prior to purchasing the Salon 2's". My speakers are not better than yours because they use  pure Beryllium and Titanium cones (which they do) they just sound better to me.