Just so any interested party should know, any reference to me and drugs goes way back many years. Nothing current, except beer. I’d venture to say the majority of the world does or has tried some kind of drug, especially if one considers doctor prescribed drugs. Some of the greatest musicians have experimented too. Including the Beatles, which the vinyl lovers among the group typically revere. If you haven’t tried it, you ought to. It opens one mind to creativity and possibilities, not the impossible.
Uh, Earth to gdhal.👨🚀 Did drugs give you magic powers? Did drugs turn you into Carnak the Magnificent? Able to know anything about fuses without any experience or technical argument to back it up? Didn’t you get the memo? Drugs are sometimes unpredictable, unlike fuse directionality, making some folks minds contract and close down, you know, rather than expand and open up. Beer has an effect of dulling the mind from I observe. Maybe you should consider switching back to drugs. 🤠
“Turn on, tune in, drop dead.” A.E. Newman
“People would be generally much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little.” P.T. Barnum