HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?


I would like to add surround capabilities for movies and SACD. I'm looking for a HT Processor with an analog 5.1 in, with a good sounding analog pass-through.

I'm looking to spend under $1k used on A'Gon.

Any suggestions?

Msf - Thanks, I emailed the seller already regarding the Cary unit, it looks pretty nice.

I did read a luke-warm review by Christine Tham about the Cinema 6, which raised a couple of concerns.

Can the Cinema 6 apply DLP II processing to an analog input?

Can the Cinema 6 automatically remember what type of a connection is on each input? (coax, optical, analog)

Can the Cinema 6 automatically set the processing mode depending on the source? Ie. DD or DTS when appropriate without having to manually change that

I have been able to use dpl II on my analog tuner input, but let me double check tonight.
It does not remember which type of connection - I remember that it is in a specific order for each input though, so if you use the "first" type of connection on each it will work well - I think it is coax first but I'd have to check to be sure.
It does read the DD or DTS flags and sets itself up appropriately.
You can work around the not remembering which connection part if you use a universal remote as it will cycle through the inputs in a fixed order. You can have the universal remote hit the dvd input button twice to get to the second input of the dvd. I use a harmony remote with great success. This is the only real quirk with the cinema 6 that I know of. The audio refinement has 4 analog and 4 digital inputs and it uses whichever is connected to each input, but it cycles through analog 1 though 4 and then digital 1 through 4.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Mark,

I do have a universal remote (Universal Remote brand) so I think I'd be able to rig that up with a macro.

It would be great if you could double check about the DPL II on an analog input. It that works, then this unit looks like a no brainer. I'm still waiting to hear back from the seller.
I found this in a forum post: "At first, I also thought that the inputs were strictly bypass, but after fooling around with it, you can disable the "direct" function and should be able to engage surround processing for analog sources."

So it seems the reviewer was wrong about this.
See the Cons list