Just Got My Oppo 205!

So - I wanted an Oppo 105 for about 3 years and when I heard they were closing it down, I popped for the 205 through Amazon. Got one of the last ones. I’ve owned some very good CD players - Naim CD5x with flatcap, Naim CDX2 with Supercap, Doge6, Lector and my current EAR Acute. So how does the Oppo compare you might ask. Well, it is new and I expect some improvement, but my first impression is - flat, sterile, uninvolving, compressed and basically lacking in musical texture. I’m just being honest and letting you know that this thing is no great shakes and certainly nothing to lust after, IMO. I happened to need a new DVD player anyway and, as I said, I have no doubt it will improve, but these are my honest first impressions that I’m sharing with you just in case you think you need to run out and buy one. Of course, I may (and I hope) I will be surprised at a vast degree of improvement with break in, but somehow I doubt it will ever improve to the level where I sell my EAR. All that said, I remember having an old Oppo 981 I think it was, that did a very credible job with SACD, so I’m thinking that the 205 will come around. I’ll let you know.
I am not a Modwright employee either but I can speak to the sound quality of the Modwright 205. It’s a world class player/DAC. This DAC bested my 6K PS Audio DS.

I admire the DIY crowd and do a little of it myself but for anyone to say their mods beat Dan's does make chuckle.
Please do not tell people spening more than the cost of a equipment to do a mod is not getting ripped off,unless you change definition of rip off from englih dictionary.
That put aside, let us focus on what i weak points of 205 as a dac.
1. Bad rectifiers for +-15 volts audio ic power supply. That is why 205 stock sounds lean and slow. 
2. Power supplier for digital path is not properly filtered, too much noise causing timing issue.
3. Single ended audio buffer path uses 2 stages of cheap capacitor coupling, total screwed up high frequency timing and response curve. That is why balanced audio outputs are strongly  recommended for 205 as a dac/dsd/cd player.
As mod goes, level 1 mod is obvious:
1.replace bridge for 18v ac to dc with fast recovery diodes. 
2. Bypass 3v, +-5v and +-15v dc with silver mica caps.

Level 2 mod is more personal:
1. Simple and right way is to build a dedicated preamp outside 205, get balanced analogue signal from dac chip pins directly bypassing internal amplify circuit. You can build a k&k audio style ultra path pre amplifier using nickle input transformer as IV driver.
2. If you only using balanced output, you can just roll ic chips. Since level 1 mod already solves the dynamics glitch.
3. I need single ended output since i connect 205 as control center hooking directly to my ultra path pre amp.  So i bought best v-cap to bypass 4 cheap coupling caps, which sweatens high frequence nicely. I likes national ic chip, but folk could roll opa627 or muse family ICs as you wish.

Enjoy diy if you walk this way. 

If you bought it to replace a DVD player— why not compare the DVD aspect? Why criticize CD sound when you knew it wouldn’t/couldn’t live up to the gorgeous dedicated player you have. Seems strange to me. Fwiw. 
You should be shamed of not chuncking.the so called dan wright mod is fundalmentally flawed from cost no object mod  point of view as i pointed out in my othet post. 

With this amount of money, first of all, any tube amplication should be using shunt regulator to sound good. Since shunt power regulation tends to dispatching a lot of heat and has to have short return loop, amplification circuit  has to be out of 205 box, reside with tube power supply. 
This wright rip off does not do that, i am sure it is less musical even than my not so dramatic mod since he cant fit shunt power regulator into 205.  Go figure if he does what i described, how much would it be??

Thanks for sharing what you did to your 205.

I get your point taking a player and spending more on the mods than the original cost of a player. Years ago I recall Lexicon took someone else’s player and basically just throw a thick metal face plate on it and nearly doubled the price, which several reviewers called them out on it.

I would like to think what Modwright is doing is more like taking a base BMW 5 series, the lowest price one can build which is a great base platform to build a M5 upon. Both are essentially built off the same platform, share many parts but a lot of the parts were put in to meet a price point on the base model. Dan saw the 205 was a good platform to start from and instead of building his own player, I’m sure he felt it would cost more than a modded 205. I can’t say the Modwright 205 is the holly grail of players but I would think if it doesn’t hold its own against players of same cost the market would shut him down but I think many praise these players. I too would like to hear one personally.

If if I get a 205 I’ll first see how it stacks up against my current machine and maybe look at modifying it myself or send it to Dan. First I’m curious to see if all these users running it stock really know what they’re talking about. I’ll be surprised if it meets or blows my current player away but hopefully we’ll see. Until I hear one in system I’ll hild off on judging it first.