subwoofers and panels don't mix

i have yet to experience a subwoofer that mated well with a panel speaker--ribbon, stat and planar magnetic.

each time i have heard a combination of a cone driver with a panel it sounds like two speakers. the blend is not seamless.

can anything be done to make the transition from cone to panel sound like a one speaker system, rather than reveal 2 different driver types ?
The panels run full range. REL subs are designed to use a signal from the power amp and re-enforce the sub-bass below the signal of the main speaker. I have mine crosed over pretty low (around 32Hz if I remember right). REL's are known for their speed and musicality...... less so for their HT type dinosaur stomping/explosions, etc.
Mrtennis...One characteristic of my system which suggests that the SW and Maggies are well integrated is that, while playing a pink noise test signal I can sweep the X/O frequency between 40 Hz to about 300 Hz without any change in the sound. When playing certain kinds of music, loud organ and the like, I push the X/O up to 300 Hz or so to get that "slam" which Maggies lack. Chamber music is down to 50 Hz. Most of the time I am at 80-100 Hz.
Eldartford describes: "sw drivers mounted in the wall behind it" SO, you're "infinitely baffling" the sw?

If so, I assume you're equalising the s/w via the Behringer - no? Have you checked for phase?

Mrtennis notes "i still tend to hear both cone and panel separately ". That's often the case. Don't forget, panels are open baffle while sw are boxes.
BTW, someone describes using an open baffle SW system to pair with stats -- but can't find it.