The range of acceptable resonant frequency is generally taken to be 8 to 12 Hz, not 10 Hz on the nose. We'd be going even more nuts, if we sought an exact 10 Hz. At 7 Hz, I repeat, do you have a perceptible problem? Speaking of footfalls, if you know anyone who tap dances at 7 Hz (that's "cycles per second"), he ought to be in a Broadway show. The only way you'll hear an improvement, if you change tonearms to achieve 10Hz (or the acceptable range of 8 to 12 Hz), is if the new tonearm is simply superior to what you are using now.
So, if you are estimating RF with a test LP, then you have an equation with two unknowns (Compliance and Effective Mass, but maybe not, if SS gave you a figure for compliance). Assuming C and M are not exactly known, how are you going to calculate exactly what Effective Mass will move the RF up to 10 Hz? Like I said, it ain't worth the trouble. Also, because RF is inversely proportional to the square root of the product of C times M, it may require a very light tonearm to move RF from 7 to 10 Hz. It's "LewM", by the way.