Bluesound Node 2 as a preamp?

Source: Bluesound Node 2
Amp: Belles Aria Integrated
Speakers: Vandersteen 2ce Sig II’s

Prior to last night I had been taking the analog outputs of the Node 2 and plugging them into 1 of the 3 stereo inputs on the Belles. I had read a thread here about bypassing the preamp and plugging the Node 2 directly into your amp. I did that last night by using the Bypass input on the Belles, using the volume control on the Bluesound OS app to conrol volume.

I don’t know if it’s expectation bias or some other phenomenon, but I swear my system has never sounded sweeter. More bass extension, more defined sound stage, better detail.

Has anyone else tried this experiment? What were your findings? Am I losing it?


WhatHiFi gave the Node 2 a mediocre review regarding sound quality, and high regarding everything else. That was using the analog outs of the Node 2.  I would like to hear from people who use the Node 2 as a DIGITAL source with their own DAC.  Does that significantly improve the SQ potential for the Node 2?
+2 Kalali
I have used the Node 2 in various configurations and performs well in some, mediocre in others. I try to remember the price which makes it a “budget” component. Many are using it as a streamer, wired or wireless link to digital library, preamp and DAC. Those are many and varied tasks. If you pair it with a really good preamp, and really good DAC it will punch way above it’s weight class. Try an ARC preamp and an Ayre DAC. Any really good tube preamp will be better than using the Node 2 as a preamp.
I don’t think it fair to compare it to much pricier components. It will not hold up...
peter_s, I have compared the analog and the digital outputs of Node2 using two different DACs; Schiit Modi Multibit and DACmagic Plus. These DACs didn't seem to add much to the quality of the sound as compared with the analog output, in my system. The Schiit sounded just a tad better but only if you really paid attention. Based on what I've read here and elsewhere, a much higher quality DAC like an Ayre Codex or Benchmark DAC will improve the sound but it ultimately boils down to the system and whether or not the rest of the system is capable of delivering that incremental improvement.
For a budget component, Node 2 does lot of things exceedingly well. As many already suggested, Node2 will sound better with outboard quality DAC. 

I have my Vault 2 connected to my ARC preamp and DAC. I listened to MQA tracks using Vault 2 analog output via my pre and non-MQA tracks using SPDIF out to my DAC. In both instances, Vault 2 provides very satisfying musical experience. 
I go Node 2 optical out into KEF LS50W. I max the volume on the KEF and use the Node’s volume control. This combo sounds much better to me than the WiFi of the LS50W and allows me to group it into house zones.