Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?

Since I keep reading and hearing that audiophiles have replaced their 30K speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts, I started this thread to see what speakers and why they were replaced.  I really want to know who did this and why.  Personally, I do not believe anyone would give up 30K speakers for 3K speakers, but what do I know anyways?

So you guys got rid of 20K+ speakers for a 3K set of speakers? Was this purely on sound or did asthetics come into play as well?


Few speakers will match the gorgeous Daedalus speakers in terms of aesthetics, but that is not as much a priority for me as it is for some. The Double Impacts may not be "eye candy," but I think they look fine and the sound is excellent.


Have you considered a career writing audiophile haikus?
Goodness sound only as the DIs are not good looking speakers. I have owned other speakers like Soundlab M1s, Harbeth 40.1, Coincident Total Victory II, Lahave Audio $18,000 speakers, and many others.The DI is in that league and better in many respects.

"Two swallows does not a summer make."

30 years ago, I'd have been all over that comment. Now, I just sit back, smirk, and keep my mouth shut. Getting old sucks.