Axpona 2018

Went again this year and found the show to be larger, higher quality sounding rooms than previous shows. I have been to many brick and mortar stores which have good sounding rooms, but at Axpona this year many rooms were better sounding than their store show rooms!

My best sounding large room was the VAC/Von Schweikert Audio/Esoteric, room. The Wilson room with the DCS stack was also very good. My best small room, and there were many, was the Gershman Accoustics room, their new speakers were sounding great with top end electronics. Also, I was impressed with NOLA room again.


Might as well throw in my .02.  Much better venue this year than last and lots of good listening. Highlights for me.  In the cost no object rooms... Sonus Faber, MBL.  Next were the  Wilson Sapphires and the other Quintessence rooms, Thrax,  Martin Logan, the Magnepan 3.7i, Whammerdyne room, Dynaudio and several others.  Bang for the buck, Vanatoo Transparent Zero, ELAC, Hsu.  The vendors area was very good too
I heard the Tekton Impact Monitors and felt it was one of the very few smaller rooms to get the speakers to disappear, matched to the room so appropriate bass w/o boom or bloat, precise vocal image, believable voices, piano clear, big dynamic swings, good deep bass extension, value extremely high, have DIs coming! You may have seen me, tall guy with left arm in a sling.