KEF Blade/Blade2. You really can’t do noticeably better, I’ve talked to many people who have demoed dozens of well regarded high end speakers, they all said the Blade2 was better, and measurements back that up. Magico makes good speakers, but are simply way overpriced (paying Lamborghini prices for a Corvette), and no one should buy Wilson if transparency is what they are after.
You can’t measure in-room how resolving a speaker is, only the response and distortion. You would need quasi-anechoic measurements to look at the imaging, soundstage, compression (how the response changes at louder volumes), the group delay/spectral graph, etc.
You can’t measure in-room how resolving a speaker is, only the response and distortion. You would need quasi-anechoic measurements to look at the imaging, soundstage, compression (how the response changes at louder volumes), the group delay/spectral graph, etc.