Infinity Kappa 9's

Working overtime trying to get a pair of kappa9's. Heard my friend Traci's and for the past 2 years I have been trying to corral a pair and I think I'm finally gonna get'em (fingers crossed!). Traci sez he burned up (literally) 2 carvers and 2 B&K's that would shut down if he played certain types of music kinda loud. He know runs 4(!!!) Parasound HCA-1200's. Am I uninformed or is this a bit much. It sounds great to me (I did'nt hear the B&K's) but am I gonna have to do something like this to satisfy a pair of 9's?? Starting to rethink this but DAMN they sound good. What should I do??
I actually have 2 Adcom 565's running a pair of Wharfedales as we speak (have a 555II in the closet gathering dust). Someone told me that Adcoms are "bright" on Infinity's but after 10 years of Field Artillery in the US Army, I usually have to boost treble a little more than usual anyway. I have local access to 2 Parasound HCA1200's for $800.00 (ex Bjorns audio employee) but have never seen an Aragon or Sunfire besides in a mag or on the web. 8th largest city in the U.S. and there is no such thing. The LOW average income here may have something to do with it.
maybe I should add that I am a moderate to low volume listener. Listen to a little of everything but mostly jazz, new age, and lots of technopop i.e. U2, Cure, Radiohead, New Order, etc.
Mt, a few thoughts based on your followup comments,

1 - I can imagine the ST140 wouldn't last long at all with the 9's. It's a nice little amp (I have one), not in the class of power of the others discussed above.

2 - IMO, given your budget I would pass on the HCA1200s, and look for one good used HCA2200, or better yet an HCA2200-II, and even better still, an HCA3500. All of them will sound much, much better than the 1200, and I expect have an easy time with the 9's. Based on your listening preferences you'll like them better.

3 - I still like the B&K M200 Sonata's used - there are some advertised here now, and also on ebay. Probably not a match for the Parasound HCA3500, but better than the other Parasounds to my ear.

Finally, I'm not familiar with the Adcoms or many of the others recommended above - so my comments aren't to indicate they're not better options. I'm only offering my preferences.
Kappa 9s are incredible speakers and a bargain for what one might pay for them today.

The brightness issue that has been attributed to them comes with the fact that most people do not have dedicated lines, running the amps that are plugged into the Kappas.

The worst liability that this speaker has is in its demands of power and current.

I say go for something like the Krell someone had recommended or I have read somewhere of someone running them with the YBA PAssion Monos....400 watts, expensive, but sure can do a job with them.

The issue that I have with some people questioning the Kappa 9 sound is that at today's used prices, most people who purchase them would think of pairing them up with amps that might be used "price-wise" compatible.

I spoke to Ric Shultz at EVS and even his newest amps, which are supposedly stable at "no-load" might have issues with the Kappa 9s.

The nearest relatives to the Kappa 9s are the Genesis speakers that were designed by Andy Nuddel after he left Infinity, with the final masterpieces of Infinity being the original Kappa line. See what the Genesis go for today...and you will see that the Kappas are a bargain with a big(amplifier intolerance) compromise.