EE's cannot and will not grasp the subject. Judging from your hostility,
and continued dribble, you Sir are a text book description, oh well.
@lak That is a loaded question. My system has been done since the development of my 3rd generation, or so I thought. In the last few months, I have personally applied a additional 120 Tubes of my product.
I have greatly expanded the electrical service, big time. Common sense topical applications, and a lot of creative ones, like on this thread.
All of the customers I have had so far range from hard working stiffs, like myself to the very elite, and everything in between. They have all been AWESOME!!!!! Some folks want to jump right in, others are a little hesitant, some will say that's beyond my skills or that's to much.
What everyone of them has had in common, they are very intelligent,
do not want to waste their time or money, hurt their system, and the number one thing. Everyone is looking for a deeper or spiritual connection to their music.
I have had a few guys and a couple of reviewers, have entrusted me to walk them down this exciting new road, wait till you read what they have to say. To be continued............................................................................