Zu Druid IV - the real deal?

i just got done setting up my brand new pair of Zu Druid IVs. they just arrived this afternoon. i am speechless. my girlfriend is too, and quite frankly she could not give a damn about what kind of speakers i have. i bought these speakers without having heard them before. i was just curious.

right out of the box they are remarkable, and i can only expect that they are going to get better. music simply floats out of them effortlessly. wow. i can't even describe it.

now get this; i have them hooked up to a $799 Denon 2803 a/v receiver. $25 Audio Quest interconnects and cheap speaker cable. this is my second system, which i use mainly for watching TV. in the other room i have what would be considered an "audiophile" grade system. i can only imagine what these Druids are going to sound like if i give them a spin in there.

oh yeah; i have a REL storm sub woofer filling in the low end.
"if I give them a spin in there?" Skuras, after you hook those babies up to your real rig: Your Coincidents should fetch a pretty good price on the 'gon. If you think the Druids sounds great with that _____you hooked them up to, fasten your seatbelt. let us know after you've done them justice with something serious...
Funny these Zu's get about 80% "greatets thiong since AC power" and other 20% hate them.Had one guy say he went to dealership after not getting them to sound OK and he and his buddy just couldn't get them to soundecentt at all.Don't think I have seen this passion exceptt in all positive reviews of Plinius where it's not a product it's a cult movement.Butt some just don't cotton which makes me want to here them all the more.6moons.com editor took $10K pair to replace his $22K Avategarde horns which is quite something.When i get scratch might take dive just wonder when they will fill the $2,800 to $10K gap in their line.If anybody can explain in basics terms why all the hub bub I'd like to know.
Enjoy those who (and hate those who do-some aspects of scociety arestill free).
Chazzbo, you said it yourself: "...might take the dive..." Whatever you read-- will do nothing more than (motivate)you to take a listen or not. We've been around this block with these babies before on the 'gon. The 20%ers come out and usually (some haven't even heard them) beat up on the Zus. I love my Definition 1.5s. There are oodles of threads in the archives, and perhaps there is some new stuff that will come out in this thread. The Definitions have brought SET into my life. This, alone, has been a wonder and a sonic joy. The longer I own a pair of speakers (this has been my audiophoolish experience)the more likely they are to not measure up--deliver the goods. My experiences with the Def 1.5s have been just the opposite. Take the plunge. The Zu boys have a money back guarantee you can't beat with a stick. peace, warren :)

PS Skura's experience with the Druids is quite different from most. The Druids will not hold up with mediocre electronics, particularly SS. And they ain't the only one.. Hey, whatever floats your boat.