Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)

Let's give a shout-out to those very small speaker companies that make excellent products.  I'm thinking of true one-man operations (owner-designer-maker) as well as very small ones (owner-designer + a very few employees).

My nominees: Ryan, Prana, Philharmonic, Fritz, Watkins, Vaughn, Chapman, even Daedalus, Salk, Selah.

Who else belongs in this list?

How do they manage to compete with the "big boys", in quality if not in quantity?

By your definition I think Joseph Audio would qualify.  Probably smaller than most people think.  They do it by offering speakers that sound great utilizing proprietary technology, and then they bring them to shows where the product speaks for itself and consistently generates positive press/awards and word of mouth advertising.  Sometimes I wonder why they haven't gotten bigger, but then maybe that's by design. 

Another would be Sjofn.  Anyone who's heard their "the clue" speaker at shows probably knows why I'm mentioning them.  Probably somewhat undermined by one of the worst and most irresponsible reviews I've ever read that appeared in Stereophile.  Anyway...