Fidelity Research FR14 as good Sonically as FR64 or Jelco750?

Would you do that deal? Is FR14 a really good sounding arm? I want to put it on a vintage Thorens 124 or modified Lenco75.
Is the FR14 as good musically speaking as FR64 or better than a Jelco 750 series?
We've been down this road before.  There is no such thing in audio as "the best", in any category.  It's safe to say that the FR14 is not the best at the price limit of less than $1500; you've mentioned that you can buy one for $550, which is roughly fair market value for it. So if you're really searching for Nirvana for less than $1500, why did you ask about the FR14?  Also, you might do better by asking for the best or optimal tonearm to match a particular cartridge.  Do you use MM or MC type cartridges, for example?  Cartridge weight and compliance are key factors to consider in selecting a tonearm.
@lewm no we arent. This post is specifically about Fidelity Research Fr14. Do you have one to comment on its sonic qualities?
The "next step up from a Jelco" is the new Jelco 850/950 at around $1000-$1400 depending on model/9-12".
"Is the FR14 as good musically speaking as FR64 or better than a Jelco 750 series? " 

My answer is respectively No and I don't know

"whats the next step up from a Jelco? I want the best or close to the very best ever for under 1500."

The best tonearm I owned in that price range was a pre-owned (NIB) Basis Vector 3. A great tonearm if you can find a deal.